ISSN 0005-2531 (Print) ISSN 2522-1841 (Online)
Ethiсs statement

Ethical principles of preparation of the scientific article the author

  • Authors are obliged to publish only original articles, to use materials only original researches. All loans from other sources should be issued in appropriate way with obligatory instructions of the author and the primary source. Plagiarism in any forms, including not properly executed citations, and also assignment of the rights to results of another's researches, is inadmissible.
  • Authors should specify the contribution of all persons, whose works have laid down in a research basis. The persons who were not taking part in research, should not be specified as co-authors.
  • Authors of article given to the publication are obliged to be based on authentic results of the spent researches. Use and promulgation of obviously doubtful data is inadmissible.
  • Authors do not give for the publication in magazine earlier published works, and also the works offered for the publication in other magazines.
  • Author's articles published in the Azerbaijan Chemical Journal cannot be published in other journals. Editors retain copyright to published articles
  • Authors apply on article the personal data (a work place, the address of a place of work, a post, an e-mail) which are resolved to publication in magazine.
  • Authors agree that their article will be sent on reviewing (a name of the reviewer thus does not reveal) and undertake to co-operate with editors on improvement, reduction or addition of article according to remarks of the reviewer, and also on correction of the specified discrepancies.
  • In case of detection of errors or discrepancies in article which is at a stage of consideration or it is already published, authors should notify in the shortest terms on it magazine edition.

Ethical principles of interaction of the author and edition

  • Editor is obliged:
  1. To provide conformity to the academic standards.
  2. To prevent the conflict of interests between business requirements.
  3. To be ready to publish in case of need amendments, being guided it is international recognised ethical standards of publications for scientific editions and principles of intellectual activity, a refutation and an apology.
  • For the publication articles having political character, containing biassed and incorrect estimations of other scientific works and other experts are not accepted.
  • At decision-making on article admission to the publication edition estimates only article maintenance without dependence from a racial accessory of the author, its floor, sexual orientation, political and religious sights, a social origin and citizenship.
  • Edition of scientific magazine, making of the decision on article publication, is guided by reliability of the data, the scientific importance and scientific novelty of the presented work.
  • In case of detection in article of elements of copying from other proceedings (plagiarism) or the facts of the publication authors of same article in different magazines, edition undertakes measures to finding-out of the reasons of this infringement of ethics of publications, notifies on this fact of authors and reserves the right to itself to remove article from the publication and further not to suppose to consideration of their article.
  • Edition strictly observes confidentiality of given articles: does not use the materials received for the publication for transfer to the third parties or to suit the own ends without the written approval of authors.
  • On all claims of authors edition gives the developed and well-founded answers, making all efforts for the permission of conflict situations.

Ethical principles of work of the reviewer

  • All sent articles receive a response, at least, one reviewer entering into number of leading experts in the given scientific direction.
  • the Reviewer is obliged to state the objective and given reason estimation to the stated results of research. The personal criticism of the author is unacceptable.
  • the Neopublished data received from manuscripts presented to consideration, should not be used by the reviewer for the personal purposes.
  • the Reviewer who does not possess, in its opinion, sufficient qualification for an estimation of the manuscript or cannot be objective, should inform on it to the editor with the request to exclude it from process of reviewing of the given manuscript.
  • In the review conformity of sent article to magazine requirements on subjects and volume is analyzed, and also scientific and technical novelty, literacy and clearness of a statement of a material, persuasiveness of experimental data, imposing appearance of the bibliographic list are estimated.
  • Reviewers should avoid the conflict of interests concerning the authors of reviewed article described in it of researches or the company which financed these researches.
  • Result of consideration of article the reviewer is the conclusion about possibility of its publication: in the presented kind, with completion, after basic processing (with repeated consideration) or about its deviation. This conclusion affirms a magazine editorial board.
  • By results of external and internal (editorial) reviewing to the author the response under article with instructions of demanded completions and terms in which they are necessary for making goes.
№1 2025
- REACTIVITY OF METAL COMPLEXES WITH RADICALSA.A.Medjidov, R.H.Ismayilov, P.A.Fatullayeva, D.B.Tagiyev