Currently, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the diesel fraction obtained by direct oil refining do not meet the standards. This problem is solved in different ways. The extraction process was used as a more efficient method in this study. The aim is to purify polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from the diesel fraction obtained during the primary processing of crude oil, using the extraction method under the influence of a magnetic field. Studies have shown that it is advisable to use high-purity N-methylpyrrolidone as extractant for the extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from the diesel fraction. In addition, depending on the degree of acidity, 3 different acids were used - acetic, phosphate and sulfate. The optimal process conditions are as follows: ratio 1:1:1 (N-methylpyrrolidone: Acid: Diesel), magnetic field intensity - 20 mT, speed of stirrer – 70 cycles/minute. While using solely N-methylpyrrolidone as an extractant under magnetic field with an intensity of 20 mT, diesel fuel was obtained with a content of 6 % (wt.) aromatic hydrocarbons, which corresponds to the EURO-5 standard