The article indicate the results of investigate on treatment of the ecological state of the soil. It is shown that carrying out various agrotechnical and reclamation measures improves ecological situation agricultural land and contributes to obtaining environmentally friendly and plentiful harvests , however, much attention is paid to the use of mineral fertilizers. It is noted that, applied in large quantities, mineral fertilizers cause great harm to the ecological state of the soil. An overview of various soil additive improvers used as soil leavening agents, such as coarse sand, fine, gravel and expanded clay, broken red brick, perlite, vermiculite, bentonite clay, zeolites, and other aluminosilicates. Whereas that at present, environmentally friendly natural aluminosilicates are used quite often as a reagent that improves the ecological state of the soil. Solid rocks - aluminosilicates, most suitable as an additional source of useful minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, etc., while reducing the swelling capacity of the soil, improving the water capacity and absorption capacity and able to weaken the transition of mineral x fertilizer into a state of difficult to digest soil oh.