To modify low density polyethylene within operation as filler for 6 months in Absheron there were used shelly and chalk similar limes. Crushed, screened limes were dried at 110 С for 14 hours. The chemical composition and the main indicators of physical and chemical properties of limes have been identified. There were obtained compositions of LDPE been in with shelly limes from 10 to 30 mass p. of filler, with 2 mass p. disperser – stearic acid to 100 mass p. of LDPE were studied. The best among them turned to be composition with shell lime in a quantity from 10 to 30 mass p. of the latter. The physical and mechanical properties of the compositions exploitation. Improvement of the physical and mechanical properties of LDPE – reducing brittleness, increasing indices of mechanical strength, heat capacity, modulus of elasticity is shown. Improvement of the properties its due to the interaction of –OH, –COOH, and other functional groups of LDPE been in exploitation with filler metal-oxide components and the destruction of a weak network structure of insoluble phase of the secondary polyethylene in the process of filling